First Presbyterian Church is about people!! As we journey into the future toward which God calls us,We pray that we are inspired into action,That our vision for faith will grow,And that our depth of understanding of God,And God's pruposes in our lives will lead us forward!
Our History
To praise God for the gifts of grace and love given in Jesus Christ. We share in the ministry and mission of the Presbytery of Sierra Blanca, Synod of the Southwest and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Our Structure The Session - our ruling body, composed of 9 Elders, elected by our congregation The Deacons-12 Deacons, elected by the congregation, minister to the sick, shut-ins, and special needs of people and community Ministers- Every member is a minister, and we are led by our Pastor and Staff, which include our Administrative Assistant, Parish Nurse, Adult and Children's Choir Directors, and our Church Organist
March 02, 2025 SUNDAY WORSHIPJoin us for worship this Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
About First Presbyterian Come to the About Us section to meet , and find out what we're all about!
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About Presbyterians Find out about the Presbytrerian Church and it's history on our What is the Presbyterian Church page. Members Login |